Sep 22

Sweet and salty popcorn

Sweet and salty popcorn




  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup popping corn
  • 3 tablespoons caster sugar
  • Sea salt
  • Drizzle of chocolate, optional



  1. Add oil to large saucepan and heat on medium high. Drop in a kernel or two and see if it spins. Once it spins, the oil is ready to go. Pour in half a cup of popping corn, give it a quick stir and put on the lid. Occasionally give the saucepan a good shake and let the corn pop away.
  2. After a few minutes, add in the 3 caster sugar and mix it in well – adding to early causes it to caramelise/burn.
  3. When the popping starts to subside, remove from heat and leave it for a few seconds for the last few to pop. Its better to remove it from the heat early, otherwise it may burn. Pour into a bowl and sprinkle generously with salt.

